Sunday School

Children's Serenade, Feb 28, 2016
Under the direction of our wonderful Miss Jenny, the children charmed us all with several songs, accompanied by the appropriate hand gestures.
One of these pieces was sung at the visit of Archbishop Kolini, the technical problems
interfered with the other songs. So, they took this occasion to treat us to all the songs they learned.
Thanks to the young people for this delightful performance.

Valentine's Day - 2016
Once again, our amazing Miss Jenny made a giant chocolate chip cookie for our Sunday School kids to enjoy in class, while they worked on a surprise for Fr Cass. Every child work a monkey hugging them around their necks. What fun! Then they marched down the aisle with their "GOD IS LOVE" banner and presented their big Valentine card to ACOW and Fr Cass. The children all signed the card, which made it extra special.
Thank You, Jenny, for all that you do for our beloved church.

Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015
After joyfully singing praises to our Risen Lord, the children ran outside to hunt for Easter eggs on the church property. Many squeals of delight were heard as the children found their treasures. Thanks to Jenny & Carrol for these charming photos.

Valentine's Day, 2015

Epiphany Party - Jan 20, 2015
As described on the Photo Gallery page, the Church celebrated Epiphany with a joyful celebration, overflowing with merriment and tons of delicious food. Our Junior Sunday School kids performed an adorable Epiphany Puppet Play much to the joy and laughter of all the adults. Our wonderful Miss Jenny made a delightful movie of this Puppet Show, unfortunately too large to post here. A few still shots of the show are below. (Thank you, Jenny.)

Easter, March 31, 2013
The ACOW Liturgical Dance Team blessed us with a performance for Easter. The Sunday School children were excited to hunt for the Easter eggs that the teens had carefully hidden. Afterwards, Coffee Hour was amazing.

Valentine's Day
The ACOW Sunday School got to
munch on a giant heart shaped chocolate chip cookie while they made a
Valentine card for Fr Cass and Audrey. They carried a Love Banner into the
church and presented the card to Fr Cass for Valentine's Day.

Food for the Poor
Elementary Sunday School Class Outreach has raised funds to supply 20 chicks
to a poor family through Food for the Poor. They were able to do this three
times for a total of 60 chicks. Great work Kids!

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