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Photo Gallery Archives - 2014

In addition to the photos shown here, you'll see that a number of photographs have been provided and are displayed in on-line albums for your convenience and enjoyment.  Note that for those larger albums you can progress through the enlarged view of each photo, and also click on the enlarge instructions under any photo to enlarge it to full size.  Please feel free to print and/or copy any photos you might wish to keep.

Baptism of Dominick Julio Rosario - Nov 22, 2014

This beautiful boy was baptized on this happy day. The family members are David R. Rosario (father), Sarah M. Hesford (mother) and Dominick Julio Rosario (baptized). Godparents - Jaime Laracuente (mum's best friend)and Michael Rivera (Papa's brother). Grandparents - Dimas Rosario and Carmen DelValle Miller; Michael D. Hesford and A. Margaret Hesford. Congratulations.

Baptism & First Communion - Nov. 2, 2014

On this wonderful Sunday Anne Elizabeth Maxham was Baptized. Her Godmother/Sponsor is Barbara Truman. We also had three young people receive First Communion, after studies on the Sacrament. Jenny Bretana taught their classes and helped them make their banners. They were Addison App, Ryan App, and Anne Maxham. God bless them all.

Clergy Appreciation Day - Oct. 12, 2014

Once again our grateful congregation took the opportunity to thank our incredible clergy: Fr. Cass, Fr. Daniel, Deacon Flo, Pastor Jim, and our newcomer Tim Mayberry. These wonderful servants of our Lord were presented with small tokens of our appreciation and we all prayed together a prayer of Thanksgiving.  Carrol very kindly sent along a few photos of this day, to share with you all.

Confirmation Service - July 13, 2014

Taking advantage of the visit of Bishop Alexander "Sandy" Greene, 3 of our young people were brought for Confirmation. The confirmants were Abigail Hyde, and Caleb and Zack Wilson. Margaret Hesford, Marla Mayberry and Barbara Truman renewed their vows and Audrey Daly stood in for Nuncia Mauge who also wished to renew her vows but was unable to attend. Blessings to you all.

Ordination of Daniel Medina - July 12, 2014

Praise be to God!

The Rev. Dr. Daniel Medina, CJ, was ordained to the priesthood on July 12, 2014, at the Anglican Church of the Word in Davie, Florida, by Bishop Alexander "Sandy" Greene on behalf of The Rt. Rev. Sospeter T. Ndenza, Diocese of Kibondo, Tanzania and The Anglican Mission in the Americas.

Many attendees commented on how much Bishop Sandy personalized the service. It was the same with the confirmations, receptions & reaffirmations that took place during his visit. It's a measure of the great joy of the Anglican Mission, of which Bishop Sandy has been a part for the last 13 years.

Also, this goes beyond a service in the Anglican Church of the Word. This joins Daniel and us to the worldwide Anglican Communion.  Through the Diocese of Kibondo, Tanzania, and the Anglican Mission in the Americas, Bishop Sandy Greene came to celebrate Daniel Medina, the newest priest in the Mission and to the people of God, and his family of origin and of faith."

The photos received of this joyous event (thank you, Carrol & Margaret) have been assembled into a slide show. Please click this link to enjoy the event all over again.

Graduates - Class of 2014

Here are some pictures taken of our graduates at Sunday Service on 5/18/2014. The graduates were Sarah, Jed and Nigel from high school, Jacob from college with an Engineering Degree and our new member Tim Mayberry who graduated from Knox Theological Seminary with a Masters of Arts in Biblical and Theological studies. Congratulations to you all.

Parish Picnic - April 27, 2014

This year's parish picnic was held on April 27th, 2014. As always, a terrific time was had by all. Thanks to those who sent photos for publication. They can be viewed and enjoyed by clicking here. There are 18 photos in all, so be sure to see them all.

Bishop Edmund's Visit - February 2014

As mentioned on the Newsletter page, a group of us were especially blessed with a Pastoral visit from my Bishop, Edmund, from Ghana. Our Parish Wardens, Carrol Moss-Solomon and John Marinello, Deacon Flo, Audie and I, had a wonderful lunch here at the Rectory (thanks, Aud…) with Bishop Edmund and his wife ‘Gifty’ (isn’t that a wonderful name?).

By the way – Bishop Edmund really is 6 foot 5 (and they have 3 sons and one daughter – who is taller than the Bishop).



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